DeepSoftware Easy Assembler Shell
This software is the cool shell for assembler language.
This is the cool shell for assembler language. The assembler language programmer can try to use this program to increase the quality, productivity and speed of Win32 development.
- Internal preprocessor. Auto adding to source the undefined imports. You can forget about EXTRN directives.
- It includes the most full context help for Intel x86 instructions.
- In-line friendly prompt list box (like in Delphi).
- Multi-page file editor with syntax highlighting, bookmarks, undo, etc.
- External plug-in Help system (You can use Win32 SDK help files, Turbo assembler Help files etc.)
- Suitable project tree view.
- Friendly code explorer.
- Easy file-source manipulations (add, remove from project,new).
- External plug-in tools. (You can use Resource WorkShope, Debugger and other)
- External plug-in Turbo Assembler compiller and Turbo Linker (invisible execution; showing of errors in source).
- Import make files.
- Project file compatibly with makefile. (You can later use a project with Borland MAKER utility).
- Wizards of the new Win32 projects. Fast start.
- Easy setup program.
- ... and much more.